Bunt or Swing for the Fences? Top 7 Must-haves for a Successful Web Site
Nov 12

Know who you want to work with, because if you begin taking on clients that don’t fit your ideal profile, pretty soon you’ll wind up with a bunch of clients (and a business) you didn’t bargain for.

Well, or you did bargain for I guess.

Getting the ideal client is like a breath of fresh air (you’ve experienced this, no?). Working only with ideal clients is heaven.

Here’s the trick:

1. Know what the attributes of your perfect client are.
2. Know who in your market fits that profile.
3. Start marketing to that desired client list.
4. STOP rationalizing when the not-so-perfect prospect tempts you to lower your standards.
5. Smile, you’re working with exactly who you want to work with.

You choose who you work with-and you’ve chosen your current client base. If your client base is not ideal, start choosing to work with those you now want to work with and don’t go back to your old ways. There will be happier days ahead if you decide to choose correctly.

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